Privacy Policy

FHS Privacy Policy

Fairford History Society is subject to data protection regulations under UK law, which control the use of personal data. FHS will:

  • comply with the data protection laws of the UK only collect personal data (name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses) for the purpose of the administration of the Society and its activities
  • only contact an individual by post, email or telephone if they have given their permission for that method. An individual can withdraw that permission at any time by contacting the Society
  • look after the data and notify members immediately if there has been a data breach
  • allow an individual to see the data held about them, and, if necessary amend or delete all or part of the data
  • review data regularly, and when no longer needed for FHS administration, delete or destroy it carefully so that it cannot be accessed in the future
  • not pass the data on to a third party without explicit consent to do so

This policy was agreed at a FHS Committee meeting, 5 March 2018

Review date 2026